Tests & solutions
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Pain and Analgesia
Social interaction
Learning and Memory
Anxiety and Depression
Reward and Addiction
Food and Drink, Metabolism
Fear and Emotion
Attention and Impulsivity
Animal Housing
Physiology & Pharmacology
Respiratory Research
Molecular & Cell Biology
The Geller-Seifter paradigm is a conflict model in which prior…
The use of rectal probes associated to digital thermometers is…
Surgery tables are classically used for completing general surgical work…
Anesthesia induction is the first step of the anesthesia process…
The goal of a drug discovery effort is to generate…
Passive avoidance is fear-motivated tests classically used to assess short-term…
The non-Invasive Blood Pressure (NIBP) test aims to evaluate systemic…
Forced exercise using a treadmill in rodents is a useful…
With actual major health problems linked to food and drink…
Knowledge in the field of animal energetics is largely based…
Progressive-ratio (PR) schedules permit studying food-motivated behavior.
Self administration is a classical model of human drug-taking behavior…
The purpose of the Conditioned Place Preference test is to…
Social transmission of food preference is a test that is…
The delayed matching to position/non-matching to position tasks (DMTP/DNMTP) are…
The recognition test is based on the natural tendency of…
The object recognition test is based on the natural tendency…
The fear-potentiated startle reflex test is a paradigm in which…
Fear conditioning is a form of Pavlovian learning that involves…
The delayed alternation task allows assessing spatial working memory in…
The spontaneous alternation task is used to assess spatial working…
The radial-arm maze task takes advantage of the natural tendency…
The Morris Water Maze is the most commonly test used…
In the active avoidance paradigm, subjects learn to avoid an…
The differential reinforcement of low-rate 72 seconds (DRL-72 s) task…
Learned helplessness, developed in the 1970s by Seligman, refers to…
The tail-suspension test was developed as an alternative to the…
One relatively simplistic and widely used model of depression is…
The social interaction test by pairs provides a popular and…
The Vogel test paradigm is a popular conflict model in…
The four plate test in mice has been described by…
The holeboard test is mainly used for assessing exploratory behaviors…
The Black and white test (also named light-dark test) is…
The elevated-O-maze is a modification of the plus-maze and displays…
The standard elevated plus-maze test is commonly used to assess…
The open field test is classically used to assess anxiety…
The 2-temperatures choice nociception test (thermal place preference) paradigm allows…
The weight bearing test represents an unsurpassed method for assessing…
The inflammation test aims to follow the evolution of the…
The Randall-Selitto test consists in an application of a uniformly…
The hot plate test is commonly used for evaluating thermal…
Tail-Flick Test (D’Armour & Smith Test) is a nociceptive essay…
The apomorphine test using an rotameter has proved to be…
The startle response is a brainstem reflex elicited by an…
The rotarod is a standard test of motor coordination, balance…
The novel object test is a free exploration paradigm that…
The emergence test is a free exploration paradigm designed to…
Locomotor responses to novelty is an animal index of exploration/anxiety…
The rodent Activity Wheel represents a very simple and clever…
Open-field experiment allows the evaluation of animal’s basal activity and…
Prepulse Inhibition (PPI) paradigm is commonly used to evaluate sensorimotor…
The 5-choice serial reaction time (5CSRT) task is commonly used…
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