Learning and Memory
Tests & solutions
La prueba de DMTP/DNMTP (delayed matching to position/non-matching to position tasks) se utiliza para estudiar…
The 5-choice serial reaction time (5CSRT) task is commonly used to evaluate attention performance using…
The delayed alternation task allows assessing spatial working memory in a T- or Y-maze.
The spontaneous alternation task is used to assess spatial working memory in rodents and is…
En el paradigma de evitación activa los sujetos aprenden a evitar un estímulo aversivo mediante…
El paradigma de evitación pasiva se usa tradicionalmente como una manera rápida y fácil de…
The fear-potentiated startle reflex test is a paradigm in which amplitude of a simple reflex…
The social interaction test by pairs provides a popular and standard paradigm to study general…
The Morris Water Maze is the most commonly test used to evaluate cognitive functions related…
The object recognition test is based on the natural tendency of rodents to investigate novelty.
The recognition test is based on the natural tendency of rodents to investigate a novel…
The radial-arm maze task takes advantage of the natural tendency of food-deprived rodents to learn…
Fear conditioning is a form of Pavlovian learning that involves making association between stimuli and…
The novel object test is a free exploration paradigm that provides animals the opportunity to…
Social transmission of food preference is a test that is used in rodents to assess…
The 5/9 holes box is commonly used to evaluate attention performance using a visual discrimination…
Passive avoidance is fear-motivated tests classically used to assess short-term or long-term memory on small…
NEW! Compatible with experiments using tethered animals. The social interaction test by pairs provides a…
Open-field experiments allow the evaluation of animal’s basal activity and its evolution, in response to…
The LE 100-26 is an electric shock generator used in a wide variety of Panlab…
The Barnes maze is a popular test for assessing spatial learning and memory in rats…
The T maze is commonly used for assessing spatial working memory in rats and mice,…
The Y maze is commonly used for assessing spatial working memory in rats and mice,…
The “Eight Arms Radial Maze" is extensively used in behavioural laboratories for evaluating spatial memory…
MAZESOFT-8 is complete and easy-to-use software for monitoring radial maze experiments. It has been specially…
Use it once, and you will never use another one afterwards! PACKWIN 2.0. is the…
Panlab circular pool provides the ideal environment to carry out the Morris water maze test…
RECORD-IT! MEDIA is the Panlab product specifically designed to record digital videos in laboratories and…
The StartFear Combined system is a polyvalent system for conducting both fear conditioning and startle…
Panlab restrainers for rodents are manufactured from Perspex cylinders mounted on a flat black Perspex…
The new SEDACOM 2.0 version is a very easy, convenient and cost-saving data transfer software…
SHUTAVOID software is an implemented version of the Panlab SHUTTLE-8 software offering a user-friendly interface…
Panlab Shuttle Boxes LE916 (Rats) and LE918 (Mice) provide the ideal environment to carry out…
Para pruebas estandares de condicionamiento operante y en cajas de conducta. The Panlab Operant Chamber…
Behavior. Neuroscience. Stimulation. Smart I/O is an enhanced version of the Panlab SMART 3.0 video-tracking…
Smart 3.0, la última versión del sistema de video-tracking SMART lo hace todavía más flexible…
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