Para la evaluación de la actividad y exploración en roedores

Puntos clave
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ActiTrack controls data coming from up to 32 IR frames. It discriminates and analyses frequency and number of IR beam breaks to convert it in a track file that can be analysed later for generating reports. Thus ActiTrack provides much more integrated and precise data in terms of animal activity, position, displacements and rearings than those provided by the SeDaCom software.

The IR actimeter enclosure can be divided into zones of interest (up to 32) using the specific tools provided by Actitrack. Animal trajectories are acquired from real time beam breaks and stored enabling the user to analyze and re-analyse experiments with different zone configurations, associations (user-defined combination of zones) and parameters. Track can be replayed in real-time or by using an "accelerated" (user-defined speed) or "instantaneous" modes. The report cover either the full track or partial sections of time.
All data obtained by Actitrack is expressed in ASCII format and can be easily exported to a wide range of spreadsheets and statistics programs for further analysis. Actitrack can be installed in as many computers as required, and the user will be able to check data, generate reports, print out results and obtain charts for visual presentation.



Computer requirements

2.2 GHz Processor or higher (Celeron processor excluded), 2 Gb of RAM, 150 MB HD, Graphics 1024x768 pixels and 32-bit true colour.

System requirements

Microsoft® Windows® 7 - 32/64 bits; Windows® 8 - 32/64 bits, Windows® 10 - 32/64 bits

Communication ports

1 free USB port for the License key; 1 RS232 port or additional USB port for the connection to the boxes.


Como pedirlo




ACTITRACK Tracking Software for up to 20 frames.



Upgrade from previous version to ACTITRACK V2.7.

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Puntos clave

  • Control up to 32 frames
  • Provides integrated data (spatial position, pattern of displacement, rearings)
  • User-adjustable thresholds for classifying activity into fast, slow and resting movements
  • Allows track re-analysis with an unlimited number of user-defined zones
  • Enables re-playing experiment using different threshold for movement speed definition
  • Can be installed in as many computers as may be required for track analyses


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