VivaMARS is a new activity solution specially designed to address all the needs of high efficiency in CROs for neurotoxicology and neuropharmacology studies.

Features & Benefits

  • HIGH THROUGHPUT—Increase your experimental capacity.
  • TIME-SAVING—No extra cleaning time between sessions, simplified set-up operations.
  • FLEXIBLE— A modular, portable system design for both mice and rats.
  • ACCURATE—2-dimensional activity measurement and precise IR sensor spacing for optimal resolution and reliability.
  • GLP COMPLIANCE – Unmatched data traceability and quality.
  • SERVICES – At your disposal the whole suite of DSI service offerings to ensure the success of your studies.



Partnership with Data Science International (DSI)

DSI and Panlab brands, divisions of Harvard Bioscience Inc., are leading manufacturer of quality instrumentation for animal behavioral and physiology research. Representing over 50 years of experience and referenced in more than 7,000 peer-reviewed publications, our solutions are proven choices for a wide range of in vivo applications spanning neuroscience, toxicology, pharmacology and more. Our collective team is eager to share our expertise and support your research as we have with many of the world’s scientists for decades.


In the context of this partnership, DSI and Panlab features the new VivaMARS solution, a high-capacity activity monitoring system for pre-clinical applications.


The new system combines the Company’s high precision Panlab activity monitoring technology with the industry leading Ponemah™ pre-clinical data management software to create an integrated good laboratory practice (GLP) compliant solution. The system is ideally suited to meet the high throughput, automated pre-clinical safety and pharmacology testing needs of CROs and pharma, in addition to acute activity studies carried out by leading research and academic institutes.


For more information visit VivaMARS website

Behavior. Neuroscience. Stimulation.

Smart I/O is an enhanced version of the Panlab SMART 3.0 video-tracking for the combined evaluation of behavior with the neural recording and stimulation (electrical and optogenetics).

The importance of the use of video recording and video tracking tools is signifi cant in this context for ensuring a reliable assessment of behavior in neuroscience research.

  • Combine the evaluation of behavior with the evaluation of neural recording and stimulation(electrical and optogenetics).
  • Use multidisciplinary approach for a better understanding of the brain functions and their intrinsic mechanisms.

Integrated stimulation protocol editor

  • Integrated feedback loop between behavior and stimulation.
  • Stimulus input/output interface through the Panlab I/O interface (2 stimulation channels, Pulse TTL ON/OFF signal or Pulse Train)
  • Stimulation can be automatically triggered depending on user-defi ned conditions: zone entry/exit, time delay,manual key pressing, etc.


  • SAVE TIME: Save Time Focus your time effort on your research, don’t waste it with complex tools. SMART I/O is a user-friendly solutions for video recording and automated behavior assessment in small laboratory animals.
  • REFINE YOUR STUDIES: Refi ne your behavioral studies using multidisciplinary approaches. SMART I/O provides all the essential functions for combining behavior with electrical and optogenetics stimulations.
  • ENHANCE PRODUCTIVITY: Enhance the productivity of your experiments with the SMART I/O boosted platform, multiple arenas and multiple camera options. More data,less time.

Provided data

  • Summary tables directly exportable to Excel and providing calculation for each user-defined zones and/or time intervals.
  • Wide variety of standard calculations related to tracking: time/distance/entries in zones, average speed... 
  • Zone transition, global activity and events list reporting the time evolution of specific calculations and distribution of their occurrence.
  • Track coordinates reports (X,Y,Z)
  • Group evolution graphs and Track image exportation

Last available release


Related products


Harvard Bioscience’s Coulbourn line of products has been retired, but we’re still here to support you. Our affiliate brand Panlab has been providing top-of-the-line behavioral research solutions for over 50 years, and they offer a comprehensive catalogue of solutions that are built on more recent technology and loved by our customers. We invite you to browse Panlab's expansive product catalogue, and to contact us with any questions.

See Panlab’s Products Contact Us  

Service and Support for Coulbourn Products Will Continue


Harvard Bioscience will continue to provide ongoing service and support for Coulbourn products, including those that have already been purchased and installed (subject to the availability of service parts). We will also provide consumables for these product lines to ensure that you are able to use your existing systems for as long as materials are available. Support contracts will remain available for these products.

We appreciate and value our business relationship and look forward to supporting your other life science needs. While we regret the inconvenience that this reduction in our product lines may cause, we hope that we can continue to meet your needs with Panlab products.

For more information, please feel free to contact us online or reach out to your local sales and support representative.

See You at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2022!

Neuroscience 2022 will feature lectures, symposia, workshops, and more, and is an amazing opportunity for learning and professional development for scientists from around the world. Visit us at booth #2429 to see some of our top solutions for the diverse and exciting field of neuroscience – we can’t wait to see you!


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Biochrom Ltd.

Advanced spectrophotometers, microplate readers and amino acid analyzers for a wide range or applications in the pre-clinical, life science and industrial markets.

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Sophisticated instrumentation and software for biomedical and industrial research applications in the fields of electrophysiology and electrochemistry.

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Multi Channel Systems

Precise scientific measuring instrumentation for electrophysiology applications including microelectrode arrays for in vitro and in vivo extra-cellular recordings and electrical stimulation.

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Find out what the Harvard Bioscience family has to offer at the first FENS virtual Forum

Being a division of Harvard Bioscience , we are proud to meet you at FENS together with our sister companies.

Visit us at our two virtual FENS booths in the premium exhibitor floor, where we can discuss your research needs, and we can share the latest possibilities for combined instrumentation solutions to improve research.


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Phone: +62 31 732 3630
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