Para experimentos sobre tejido/órgano aislado


Panlab provides complete hardware solutions and associated software for isolated tissues studies from simple, manual systems to automated, computer-controlled systems. 

The mechanical activity of the tissues (muscles) is formed by a displacement (elongation) and a force (contraction). The ratio between elongation and force depends on the properties of the tissue under study: some tissues exhibit a mechanical response with a very large displacement and a reduced force; other tissues produce short but very intense contractions (in terms of strength). Depending on this ratio, the transducer used for performing an organ bath experiment will be isometric or isotonic.

- Isometric transducers

The Panlab Force/Isometric Transducers measures the force of contraction of isolated tissues under conditions of constant force. 

Isometric force transducers are very sensitive to the force applied under conditions contraction with very short amplitude (low displacement). As an example, the Transducers of weight of the electronic scales acts in an isometric way. Generally the isometric technology is also used to measure frequencies; for this reason, the displacement of the sensor of the transducer need to be as slight as possible. Panlab has transducers with a minimum displacement of 0.1 mm for a force application until 25 grams.

Isometric Transducers are classically used in Organ Bath experiments with muscles with short/rapid contractions such as tracheal muscle, atrium, papillary muscle, aortic rings, veins or other vessel rings.

The Transducers are equipped with a special system allowing an easy and rapid fixation of the thread that tightens upper side of the tissue in an organ bath. Panlab provides transducer for various load range, from teaching to standard research systems.

- Isotonic transducers

The Panlab Isotonic Transducer measures displacements with pre-adjusted loads (position transducer).

Isotonic transducers are classically used for measuring the contraction amplitude of isolated muscles in Organ Bath studies, i.e. the changes in tissue length observed under a constant load.

To achieve this capacity, an isotonic transducer must possess a sensor axis which rotates at least 25 degrees. This type of register was the one which was used initially, at the time of the kymographs in such a way that the transducer was configured by a lever, balancing on a pivot.

These transducers are preferably used with smooth muscle preparations characterized by relatively slow contractions (ileum, vas deferens, lung strips, esophagus, urinary bladder, etc.).

Download here the Transducer leaflet – link


Which transducer? The Panlab advice.

Although in principle and from the physiological point of view, the most appropriate for smooth musculature is the isotonic and for heart and striate the isometric, in purity all animal muscle contracts partly isotonically and partly isometrically. Nowadays all the tasks are done with isometric as the response is much more repetitive, the basal line is much more constant, and the relaxation much more rapid. Isotonic transducers are only used in few specific cases

Recommended bibliography:

Kitchen I. Textbook of in vitro practical pharmacology. Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford, 1984


Panlab transducer specifications



Isometric (Force)









High sensitivity





5 mg to 25 g

10 mg to 25 g

5 mg to 5 g



2 mg

5 mg

5 mg



± 0.45 mm

± 0.5 mm

± 15 º (48 mm)



32 μV/V/g

25 μV/V/g

24 μV/V/º


Power Supply

5-10 V dc/ac

5-10 V ac/dc

5-10 V dc


ROD Length (6mm dia.)

165 mm

165 mm

150 mm


Counterweight graduation



5 div of 1 g with subdiv of 250 mg



How to order


5 pin female audio connector

6 pin male binder connector

8 pin male connector


Transducer connector for Panlab ISO510A amplifier and ADinstrument Bridge pod.

Transducer connector for Hugo Sachs amplifiers.

Transducer connector for ADinstruments amplifiers.


TRI201A (76-0575)

TRI201HS (76-0418)

TRI201AD (76-0417)


TRI210A (76-0098)

TRI210HS (76-0579)

TRI210AD (76-0581)


TRO015A (76-0583)

TRO015HS (76-0424)

TRO015AD (76-0423)


Five pin male connectors for Panlab previous ISO510 amplifier are obsolete but can be provided under specific request.   


Isolated organ/issue test & Integrated solutions

For more details about the isolated organ/tissue method, consult the following link

For more details about standard integrated organ bath solutions, consult the “Related Integrated solutions” section of the Isolated organ/tissue test – organ bath webpage – link


Related products

  • Amplifiers (P) – link
  • PROTOWIN software (P) - link
  • Organ bath for teaching (P) - link
  • Organ bath for basic research (P) - link
  • Organ bath for advanced research (HS)



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